
The Fourth Sustainability Report of Fajr Petrochemical Company was published

The Fourth Sustainability Report of Fajr Petrochemical Company was published
In two-yearly Sustainability Report of Fajr Petrochemical Co., it was emphasized on specific actions and material topics were reviewed

The fourth Sustainability Report of Fajr Petrochemical Co. relating to its performance during 2017 and 2018 was edited and published by the company experts. On the basis of its social responsibility, Fajr Petrochemical Co.  publishes its sustainability Report in order to clarify actions and inform the general public and stakeholders.  This report deals with the sustainable and responsible business management in company and impacts and results of economics, social and environmental activities.

Based on PR of Fajr Petrochemical Co., emphasizing on specific actions done in sustainability and reviewing material topics are considered as one of the important characteristics of this documents so the general public be aware of the managerial attitude and approaches of the company. Also, three previous reports were published in one year intervals, but the executive managers decided that from now on publishing two – yearly Sustainability Report would have a stronger impact on company’s plans and results. Moreover, Reporting Guidelines for editing GRI Standards 2018 were used in preparing this report and gathering data was done based on the company’s financial year.

The process of data gathering and editing the report contents was based on studying documents and organization’s formal reports, interviewing with executives, holding several meetings with managers and experts from different units and surveying main stakeholders. It should be mentioned that editing domestic guidelines for preparing Company Sustainability Report is one of the innovative actions of the Company.

Sustainability Report (G.R.I model) is a reflection of the organization’s image under ISO 26000 as a social responsibility including 7 principles of accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, respect for the stakeholders’ interests, international behavioral norms and human rights. Fajr Petrochemical Co. has been the leader in publishing this kind of report in both Persian and English on the organization’s website and in various communities.

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Sep 4, 2019 08:48
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