As nowadays, managers all over the world apply various management systems as an effective tool to achieve their organizational goals especially to fulfil the needs and expectations of stakeholders, none can ignore the impact of the business ecosystem on the environment of companies and organizations.

Henceforth, Fajr Energy Persian Gulf Company (former Fajr Petrochemical Company), affected with the standards of management systems tried to improve its business environment through obtaining certificates of ISO 9001 quality management system, ISO 14001 environmental management system and OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety management system since the start of its activities in 2004.

In 2010, it could take some appropriate steps to manage and monitor the energy sector by establishing an energy management system based on the ISO 50001 standard and comply with the requirements of this standard.

A new chapter of Fajr Energy's business began in 2009, and a strategic management system was set to be as a macro strategy for the units of the company.

In 2010, based on some references to the upstream documents such as the 5-year National Development Plan, the Iran Vision 2025, the development plans of the Ministry of Oil and the National Petrochemical Industry Company, the 1st edition of the Strategy Booklet of Fajr Energy Persian Gulf Company (Fajr Petrochemical) had been compiled, and announced for the record and implementation at a macro organizational level. It had also been revised many times over the years and was finally once again revised in 2014 after the formation of the Persian Gulf Holding while keeping an eye to the program and goals of the specialized parent company. At this very stage all the guiding elements such as: vision, mission and organizational values were reviewed and edited, as well.

They finally could revise and codify the last edition of the document in 2021 based on the new changes in the ecosystem of the company.

In 2010, the first festival of excellence for the petrochemical industry has been planned and held in the National Petrochemical Industries Company in order to improve the level of organizational knowledge and efficiency, and create an immune and healthy competitive environment within which the organization could finally apply the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model to take a step toward excellent progress and create a suitable platform and culture for the expansion and promotion of the organization.

Fajr Energy Persian Gulf Company (Fajr Petrochemicals) also - like other subsidiary companies of National Petrochemical Industries Company - has undergone the process and could afford to start its movement in this direction in 2010 through gaining a certificate of Dedication to Excellence.

It could also go ahead with the mission by forming of excellence and improvement working groups (including 8 working groups of leadership such as: human resources, suppliers and shareholders, financial, infrastructure, knowledge and technology and social responsibility group) in 2011 with an specialized eye on the subject of excellence and development, and then it could finally succeed to obtain the crystal statue from the 6th, 7th and 8th Festivals of Excellence in Petrochemical Industry.

In 2014, "the Center for Strategic Studies and Planning" was formed with a decree by the senior management of the organization, through integrating the "Quality Assurance, Planning and Control (Management Information)" units in order to improve organizational business processes and create an integration between new management systems, organizational excellence, strategy management.

 With this command, the company could also win the crystal statue award for the excellent continuous improvement of the oil industry in a related festival in 2017.

In addition to the above responsibilities, the center, as an observatory body of the company, tries to recognize, identify and evaluate the ecosystem of the organization and those (internal and external organizational) factors influencing the business, and to formulate some documented programs in line with objectives of the organization.

The duties assigned to this center by the senior management of the organization are as follows:

1.    Identifying all the ecosystem related factors which influence the organization's business

2.    Developing some appropriate strategies

3.    Defining and developing the goals and plans for the company

4.    Monitoring and controlling of the goals and plans

5.    Creating and integration between the strategic management system and those organizational management and excellence systems

6.    Creating a suitable platform for business atmosphere

7.    Providing some training courses related to strategic management issues and creating a common literature on strategic issues for all levels of the organization

8.    Identifying and evaluating the threats and challenges facing the organization and defining the effective countermeasures

9.    Identifying and modeling of the organizational processes based on the organization's business model

10.  Making sure about the activities of the organization through the application management systems and conducting periodic audits and evaluations based on these systems

11.  Monitoring and measuring the stakeholders’ sense of satisfaction and providing some plans to improve the sense in line with the strategic goals of the organization

The Center for Strategic Studies and Management of the Fajr Energy Persian Gulf Company