Fajr Petrochemical Company while analyzing and probing the results, attempts to improve the activities in cooperation with different directors inside and outside of the company.
As reported by PR of Fajr Petrochemical company: the company highlighted
recognizing expectations of the Surrounding Community (as one of the
stakeholder groups) and measuring people satisfaction on functions and performances
in keeping with strategy plan and Organizational Excellence Model.
Subsequently, the representatives of Surrounding Community are taken
satisfaction measurement annually. In fact, the survey procedure is as follows:
The representatives of people (public and governmental institutions and
neighboring Petrochemical Companies) are divided into public, governmental, support
and environmental groups. Next, their opinions are taken on the performances of
Fajr Petrochemical Company through technical questionnaire. As reported by PR,
prior to the survey and with the aim of receiving responses and providing clear
insights on stakeholders’ opinions, a meeting is organized to converse with
partakers on functions of the Company while giving the written report. The
highest and lowest scores of the survey which was done in 2018 are as follows:
In public group, the highest satisfaction referred to the accountability
and answerability part for calls and communication with the Company. On the other
hand, the lowest satisfaction related to the knowledge of the respondents on
future decisions and changes of the Company. In governmental group, the highest
satisfaction related to the accountability and answerability part for calls and
communication with the Company. Contrariwise, the lowest satisfaction related
to the knowledge of the audiences on future decisions and changes of the
Company which is effective and practical for them. In environmental group, the
highest satisfaction is related to the Company performance in following
environmental regulations and the lowest satisfaction referred to the optimized
using natural resources.
It should be noted that besides this survey, Fajr Petrochemical Company
conducted satisfaction scientific research focused on Mahshahr with the
intention of deeper recognizing people’s expectations and investigating its
function in the realm of social responsibilities in 2015.