
The Fourth Auditing of ISMS at Fajr Petrochemical Company

The Fourth Auditing of ISMS at Fajr Petrochemical Company
The second period of the fourth auditing Information Security Management System (ISMS) was carried out by the group of audits and representative of the “AFTA” strategic center at Fajr Petrochemical Company.
As reported by PR: the fourth Information Security Management System (ISMS) of this company on the basis of ISO27001 standards was carried out by the group of audits and representatives of “AFTA” presidential strategic management center. Also, Fajr Petrochemical Company was recommended by the audits to receive Standard License after auditing management processes, IT system and company communications and investigating Human Resources Management in the field of Information Security. It is mentioned that Fajr Petrochemical Company has been awarded ISMS standards for scientific and process management of Information Security since 2014.

Mar 11, 2019 12:29
Number of visit : 1,016


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